Making Histories is a collection of family histories and migration stories documented by young people.

Stories map

The map above charts the stories of some of the participants in the Making Histories project. Closer inspection shows that people's journeys aren't always straightforward.
Click on each line or map pin to find out more
Our Historians

Our Historians

Find out how 210 students across the UK researched and produced their own oral and local history projects

Find a Story

Find a Story

The stories on this website have been collected and documented by young people from across the UK. They independently interviewed members of their families, friends and local communities.

Community Resources

Community Resources

We have produced three community booklets called Migration Stories which hightlight in a little more detail, the journeys made to each city by people born in different parts of the world and some of the reasons for making them.

Project by

Bangla Stories
University of Cambridge
Arts and Humanities Research Council